Bachmann, Ernst Christian (1895-1914)

Senest ændret den 18. juni 2022 7:08

Ernst Christian Bachmann (til højre) med en soldaterkammeret.

Født: 06/03-1895, Tønder
Død: 04/11-1914, Bixschoote, Frankrig
Erhverv: Kaufmann
Bopæl: Tønder
Hustru:   Ugift
Børn (før krigsafslutningen): –

Militære løbebane før krigen

Militære løbebane under krigen
Indtrådt: ?
Udtrådt:  Faldet. Død af sine sår
Enhed(er): Reserve-Infanterie-Regiment nr. 214, 6. Kompagnie
Rang: Kriegsfreiwilliger
Såret: –
Udmærkelser: –
Andet: –

Dødsbiregisteret, Tønder By, RAA
Kirkebog, fødte, Tønder, RAA
Verlustenliste (10/02-1915)
Mindetavle, Tønder Kirke


Foto af mindetavle, Sønderborg Slot

Mindetavle, Tønder Kirke
Mindetavle, Tønder Kirke

5 tanker om “Bachmann, Ernst Christian (1895-1914)”

  1. Are you sure that you´re right about the regiment? RIR90 was in fresniéres at the time. He´s not in the ehrentafel of the regiment.

      1. Staffan Olsson,

        you are quite right, thank you for noticing. The “Sterberegister” also has him registered as serving with 6/RIR214, but it was the “Ersatz Bataillon” of RIR90 who notified the civilian authorities. Just to explain the why of the error.

        med venlig hilsen

        Martin Bo Nørregård

  2. I´m doing reasarch about the RIR90 and are looking eagerly after stories, maps and pictures from that regiment, thats why I stumbled across this little ‘error’. My ancestor was with the 6th komp RIR90.
    However I´m looking forward to the book about IR84 who was at the same division, 54th, after march 1915. They are fighting side by side in many interesting battles and I often read about them (IR84) and find their battlestations on the maps over the trenches.

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Sønderjyderne og Den store krig 1914 – 1918